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Sonntag, 24. März 2002

Hot Cross BunsA traditional favorite on Good Friday in England, Hot Cross Buns are a spicy currant or raisin studded yeast bun, topped with a "Cross" of lemon flavored icing. While Christians have adopted the cake and the symbolism of the cross, it wasn't always so. To Pagans then as now, the cross was symbolic of the sun wheel, which symbolizes perfect balance at the time of the Spring Equinox.

Hot Cross Buns were probably originally used in ceremonies and rituals and the Christian Church attempted to ban the buns, although they proved too popular. Left with no alternative but defeat, the church did the next best thing and "Christianized" the bread with Queen Elizabeth I passing a law which limited the bun's consumption to proper religious ceremonies, such as Christmas, Easter or funerals. [] (via Nina)

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Egypt's free pass

Bush officials stand up for Afghan women. So why do they say nothing as Egypt jails and tortures gay men? []

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Google Restores Church Links

As free-speech advocates squawked, the popular search engine restored links critical of the Church of Scientology, which had warned the search engine to remove them. [Wired News]

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März 2002
FK Waechter ist tot!
wikipedia-eintrag zu fk waechter.
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In den ersten 5 Tagen
nach Katrina war die Presse als erstes vor Ort. Nun...
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FEMA und nationalgarde
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Offener Brief Every official at
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leichenfunde im convention center Bodies
found piled in freezer at Convention Center [via]
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