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Montag, 25. März 2002

Today, in similar fashion, many devout Christians abstain from eating meat during the forty days preceding Easter. During Holy Week, the seven days before the holiday, some, especially members of the Greek, Ethiopian and Armenian Orthodox churches, even eliminate eggs, milk and fish from their diet. Communion is taken on the day before Easter, which always falls on a Sunday and, on Saturday night church services begin at ten in the evening. In many nations, one of the most beautiful highlights of the holiday is the rich, ceremonial midnight mass.

Regardless of whether one adheres to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church, the Greek, Russian or Armenian, or Ethiopian Orthodox churches or any of the many Protestant sects in Jerusalem, Easter Sunday is always a cause for celebration and feasting. The most beloved of dishes served on this day are based on lamb, for in addition to calling to mind the purity of Jesus, it also calls to mind the universal hope that "one day the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and they shall live in peace together". (via Nina)

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Zwei Millionen Menschen demonstrieren gegen Berlusconi

Auslöser der Proteste sind Pläne zur Einschränkung von Arbeitnehmerrechten / Schweigeminute für Terroropfer Biagi. [Süddeutsche]

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