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Dienstag, 26. März 2002

Call it matza as they do in England and the United States or call it matzot as they do in Israel, but the unleavened bread associated first with the exodus from Egypt and today with the traditional Passover
meal known as the seder, is a problem. With the approach of Passover (the eve of which falls this year on 7 April) Jews the world over, prepare for two major culinary events. The first will be the Passover Seder at which everyone will overeat and the second is the onslaught of matza. Even though overeating is perfectly acceptable behavior at the Seder, the preparation and consumption of the meal generally leaves both the cook and those who have partaken in the Seder quite exhausted.

As to matzot, while such dishes as chicken soup with kneidelach (matzo dumplings), fried matzot and slices of matzot spread thickly with chicken fat are a delight, there is simply a limit to how much
matzo any human being can eat before the stomach and lower digestive systems begin to rebel.

One of the joys of living in Israel is that immigrants from all over the world have brought with them a host of marvelous dishes, many of which, even though they contain only the vaguest traces of
matzo, are perfectly suited for the advent of Passover. Such treats, whether from Jewish homes in Morocco or Ethiopia, Uruguay or Greece, will satisfy the most rigorous standards of tradition and each of the following dishes will provide light and pleasant dining during eight day long holiday. All are easy to prepare and although some are meant to be served hot and others cold, nearly all of the work can be done in advance and finished off just before eating. (via Nina)

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Kirchen prüfen Risiken durch Mobilfunkanlagen auf Kirchendächern

Die katholische und die evangelische Kirche wollen in einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsgruppe mögliche Risiken durch Mobilfunkanlagen auf Kirchengebäuden prüfen. [heise news]

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Peinliches Possenspiel

Bundesrat oder Komödienstadl - für manche Unionspolitiker gibt es da offenbar keinen Unterschied. Unumwunden gaben Saarlands Ministerpräsident Müller und CSU-General Goppel zu, dass die Empörung bei der Abstimmung zum Zuwanderungsgesetz bewusst inszeniert wurde. [Spiegel Online]

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