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Samstag, 13. April 2002
Critters and Taters

Another fine recipe from The Texas Chainsaw Epicure:

1 young possum
8 sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon sugar
salt to taste

Directions: Skin the possum, remove the head and feet. Wash thoroughly. Freeze overnight. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil until tender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water. Arrange the taters around the critter, strip with bacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste often with the drippings. [Everythin Burns]

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Bulldozer fahren über Leichen

Massenverhaftungen, Hausdurchsuchungen, Scharfschützen, Leichen auf den Straßen, Bulldozer-Einsätze, hilflos umherirrende Kinder - die palästinensische Schriftstellerin und Friedensaktivistin Sumaya Farhat-Naser schildert gegenüber SPIEGEL ONLINE die Situation in den besetzten Gebieten. [Spiegel Online]

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April 2002
FK Waechter ist tot!
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In den ersten 5 Tagen
nach Katrina war die Presse als erstes vor Ort. Nun...
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leichenfunde im convention center Bodies
found piled in freezer at Convention Center [via]
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