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Mittwoch, 6. November 2002
French prostitutes protest crackdown

Wearing white masks with tears painted on them, hundreds of prostitutes rallied in front of the French Senate on Tuesday to protest a high-profile government crackdown on their livelihood.

The demonstrators _ women and men _ said a crime bill before Parliament that includes tougher measures against prostitution and solicitation would make their lives harder.

``This law won't allow us to work. What do they want me to do? I don't know how to do anything else," said a masked protester who has worked as a prostitute for 20 years. She spoke on condition of anonymity.


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Odyssee ohne Ende

Bambule: Schill demonstrierte gestern wieder Härte und ließ Bauis in Harburg in Gewahrsam nehmen. Zukunft der Bambule-Leute noch völlig offen. PlatzbewohnerInnen begründen Ablehnung des Wohnungsprojekts in Bahrenfeld

[more: taz hamburg]

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November 2002
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