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Donnerstag, 14. November 2002
Hacker 'Kotiate' forces Lego forum off net

A so-called "terrorist" hacker has forced an internet forum associated with international toymaker Lego offline.

maori facial tattoo

Though Lego had buckled to pressure and agreed to stop using Maori words in its range of Bionicle toys, the BZPower Bionicle website and its fans continued using the original names.
The hacker, identified only as "Kotiate", emailed website administrators last week, giving them 24 hours to remove the site's email forum "and discontinue the abusive use of the Maori culture, customs and history".
The hacker demanded that the site announce to Lego and the international media its "remorse and desire to begin an active campaign against the abuse of indigenous cultures". [more:]

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Nervengas und Atropin

Die  New York Times brachte die Neuigkeit zuerst. Der Irak kauft in großen Mengen Atropin in Injektionsspritzen. Schutz vor dem eigenen Nervengas oder dem der amerikanischen Militärs? Oder gar etwas Archaisches?
[more: telepolis]

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November 2002
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