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Donnerstag, 17. April 2003
Schikane im Zeichen der Sicherheit

Terror-Paranoia und Überwachungseifer drohen in den USA immer mehr ausländische Studenten und Top-Forscher in die Flucht zu schlagen. Experten warnen bereits vor drastischen Folgen für die US-Wissenschaft und -Wirtschaft.
[mehr: spiegel online]

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Mittwoch, 19. März 2003

Da wir Veränderungen lieben: Der Rollberg zieht um

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American Politicians Provide Drugs to European Drug Dealers?

All heroin that is available in Europe is of Afghan origin

As a matter of fact, it is strange that the drug commerce has increased lately, especially against the background of two large-scale operations that the USA conducted in five years. There is no need to talk a lot about the danger that drugs pose to the modern society. There have been a lot of things said and read about it. Yet, this evil is spread very fast in the world, imperiling national security of dozens of countries. Russia is not an exception on the list of those countries, unfortunately.

more:[pravda online]

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