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Fetishists Really Love Their Macs 

For about a year, Mark Allen, a gay man living in New York, conducted an online relationship with a man living in Austin, Texas. But as the relationship matured, Allen realized it wasn't his cyberboyfriend he was falling in love with, it was his PowerMac G3.

Mark met Bryan online. Their first date was a romantic candlelight dinner, via webcam. In New York, Mark lit a candle and ate Chinese takeout, while Bryan did the same 1,700 miles away in Texas.
[more: wired]

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Apple und T-Online kooperieren

Apple und T-Online haben eine langfristig ausgerichtete Zusammenarbeit verkündet: Im Apple-Betriebssystem Mac OS X wird künftig der Zugang zu T-Online bereits vorkonfiguriert sein.
[mehr: heise online]

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Free Love and Selling Macs

The Macintosh has always been counterculture. So much so, in the late 1980s, the biggest Apple dealer in Northern California was a free-love commune in San Francisco's hippie Haight-Ashbury district. By Leander Kahney. [Wired]

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April 2024
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