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Da pfeiff ich drauf

immer ein Lied auf den Lippen und der Tag ist dein Freund

The idiot son of an asshole kommt recht flott von den Lippen.
via kosmonautentraum und the cartoonist

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Bee-Gees-Sänger Maurice Gibb tot

Alle Rettungsversuche halfen am Ende nichts. Nach einem Herzinfarkt und einer Notoperation verstarb Maurice Gibb von der legendären Gruppe Bee Gees am Sonntag in einem Krankenhaus in Miami. [more: spiegel online]

np: how deep is your love?

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Clash singer Joe Strummer dies at 50

Joe Strummer, the gravel-voiced lead singer of the legendary band The Clash, whose hits "London Calling" and "Rock the Casbah" electrified the punk scene, has died at age 50.

The singer, guitarist and songwriter died Sunday at his home in Broomfield, in the southern county of Somerset, his record company said. The British Broadcasting Corp. quoted The Clash's video director Don Letts as saying Strummer died of a heart attack. [more:]

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März 2025
FK Waechter ist tot!
wikipedia-eintrag zu fk waechter.
by mutant (16.09.05, 13:07)
In den ersten 5 Tagen
nach Katrina war die Presse als erstes vor Ort. Nun...
by mutant (09.09.05, 12:00)
funkverkehr, ua von
FEMA und nationalgarde
by mutant (07.09.05, 12:12)
Offener Brief Every official at
the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael...
by mutant (06.09.05, 12:24)
leichenfunde im convention center Bodies
found piled in freezer at Convention Center [via]
by mutant (06.09.05, 12:18)

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