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Samstag, 23. Februar 2002
Indymedia under Attack

Razzia gegen globalisierungskritische Internetzeitung in Italien. [telepolis]

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Burn down the shopping malls!


"The fascist, capitalist oppressors have finally locked down the whole town, so now we've got no choice but to take the fight to them, and so we's spreading through the streets like kerosene, two hundred n' fifty strong. But their Nazi rent-a-pigs are already out there to meet us, and they's got their thug sticks out, and they's wading in and going all Rodney King on the peeps. But that's the match that lights us, and when we pass, whole city blocks go up in flame.
And the corporate stores with their sweatshop wares are getting thrashed and licked by fire, and its me and Ricky Trang, and a rainbow coalition of kickass who gots our backs -- cholos, niggaz, kung fu kids from Chinatown, all going hella wild on the racist, consumerist, globalist system, looting it clean, and it is friggin beautiful."

Seattle during the WTO? Rage against the G8 in Genoa?
Your Playstation 2, actually, in State of Emergency, a new urban mayhem-fight title developed by Scotland's Rockstar Games and VIS Entertainment.


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Februar 2002
FK Waechter ist tot!
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