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Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2002
Child refugee sex scandal

The UN sends investigators to refugee camps in West Africa following revelations that aid workers have been exploiting children for sex. [BBC News]

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Das Rezept der Woche...

(...wg. Purim ausnahmsweise heute): Hamantashen (koscher) oder Fruit-Filled Hamantaschen from Philadelphia (nicht ganz so koscher).

Haman's pockets, or Hamantaschen, were brought to this country by Jews from the eastern part of Germany and Eastern Europe. Hamantaschen are so popular here that at many academic institutions there is an annual Hamantaschen versus latke debate. The filling for the following Hamantaschen recipe comes from the Taste of History: Recipes Old and New put out by Philadelphia's Historic Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, Kahal Kadosh Midveh Israel, founded in 1740. With the filling I used my own butter cookie dough, which everyone in my family loves. Although adults like fruit or poppy-seed fillings, my children do not, and they fill the dough with chocolate chips and even make a Hamantaschen with chocolate chips and peanut butter. I'll stick to this prune filling and leave the chocolate-chip Hamantaschen to them.

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Mathematiker bevorzugen Blondinen

Schönheit liegt im Gehirn des Betrachteten – „A Beautiful Mind“, die Filmbiografie des in sich zerrissenen Wissenschaftlers John Nash. [Süddeutsche Zeitung]

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Februar 2002
FK Waechter ist tot!
wikipedia-eintrag zu fk waechter.
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In den ersten 5 Tagen
nach Katrina war die Presse als erstes vor Ort. Nun...
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funkverkehr, ua von
FEMA und nationalgarde
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Offener Brief Every official at
the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael...
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leichenfunde im convention center Bodies
found piled in freezer at Convention Center [via]
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